ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Layer: BLM AK Misc. Federal Withdrawal (ID: 6)

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Name: BLM AK Misc. Federal Withdrawal

Display Field: CASE_NUM

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: This data set depicts land withdrawals within Alaska. Data attributes are a snapshot of the BLM-AK Land Information System Database and are only accurate as that database. Alaska, being a state within the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), describes land to the aliquot part (subsections of larger land plots) where ever possible. Where data is not able to be described with an aliquot part, the data is generalized to the nearest PLSS section (640 acres). Natural boundaries, such as ridge lines and rivers, are examples where aliquot part descriptions can not be used. USS and Rectangular survey data has not been integrated when creating the geospatial depiction from database records. At this time, all positions are as calculated or as derived from township and section protraction.

Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Alaska State Office

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports ValidateSQL: true

Supports Calculate: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field:

Fields: Templates:
Capabilities: Query,Extract

Sync Can Return Changes: false

Is Data Versioned: false

Supports Rollback On Failure: true

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false

Supports Query With Historic Moment: false

Supports Coordinates Quantization: true

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Calculate   Validate SQL   Generate Renderer   Return Updates   Iteminfo   Thumbnail   Metadata