Description: The BLM Priority Areas that include the following. High - These areas include BLM managed lands within the larger collaborative multi-agency LiDAR acquisition areas that are ongoing. Medium - These include PHMA – BLM administered lands identified as having the highest value to maintaining sustainable greater sage-grouse populations and Salinity project boundary – that provides a framework for improving the effectiveness of the Colorado River Basin of BLM managed lands. Low - These include GHMA – BLM administered lands identified that are occupied seasonally or year old and are outside of PHMA and all remaining BLM managed lands. Complete - Areas of BLM administered lands of where LiDAR acquisitions is complete and is available at the USGS National Map. Areas of BLM administered lands of where LiDAR acquisitions is complete and is available at the USGS National Map.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Headquarters (HQ)
Description: The BLM 3DEP Areas is for viewing BLM's participation to the USGS 3DEP (3D Elevation Program) to collaborate to acquire high resolution LIDAR data that is available through the USGS National Map (
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Headquarters (HQ)