Name: BLM Colorado Vegetation Treatment Area Completed Polygons
Display Field: UNIQUE_ID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Vegetation treatments documented in these data set may be categorized by the general type of treatment that is used on the area being treated. These different types of vegetation treatments are Chemical, Physical, Biological, and Prescribed Fire. The first three are further categorized by the treatment sub-type. Chemical treatments are either pesticide or fertilizer; Physical treatments are alteration, planting, or removal; and Biological treatments are either classical or non-classical. Prescribed Fire is the only fire related treatment and therefore has no sub-types.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Colorado State Office
[CLASSICAL: A treatment that is the introduction of predators to control plant or animal pests or to selectively suppress or remove vegetation.]
, [NON-CLASSICAL: A treatment that is the introduction of foraging species, predators or parasites to control plant or animal pests or to selectively suppress or remove vegetation.]
[FERTILIZER: A chemical treatment that involves the application of fertilizer to enhance plant growth.]
, [PESTICIDE: A chemical treatment that involves the application of a pesticide to control or kill pests.]
[PLANT: A physical treatment component that is the planting of one or more plant species.]
, [REMOVE: A physical treatment component where materials and/or vegetation are removed from the site.]
, [OTHER: A physical component where physical changes are being made, but no materials are leaving the site.]