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Item Information

snippet: Bureau of Land Management’s Back Country Byways within Oregon.
summary: Bureau of Land Management’s Back Country Byways within Oregon.
extent: [[-123.8901164,42.212565903],[-116.951275696,45.3913912]]
accessInformation: Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: <div style='text-align:Left;font-size:12pt'><p><span>The BLM OR GTRN Back Country Byways Map Service represents roads that are designated through a resource management plan (RMP) to showcase the variety of richness of BLM's off-the-beaten track public lands within Oregon. Most of the byways are both paved or graded gravel and dirt roads, passable in ordinary passenger cars. Others are safely driven only in a high-clearance truck or 4-wheel drive vehicle. For further information about the data, consult the OR/WA BLM Ground Transportation (GTRN) Web Publication Data Dictionary at: </span><a href='' style='text-decoration:underline;'><span></span></a><span> (located under Data Standards). </span></p><p><span /></p><p><span>The BLM OR GTRN Back Country Byways Map Service is created from ground_transportation_pub_web.gdb\back_country_byways_arc. This map service has one scale dependency. The labels on the BLM OR GTRN Back Country Byways Line are visible at a scale in beyond 1:10,000,001.</span></p></div>
licenseInfo: <div style='text-align:Left;font-size:12pt'><p><span>PUBLIC DATA: None, these are considered public domain</span></p></div>
title: BLM_OR_GTRN_Back_Country_Byways
type: Map Service
tags: ["BLM","Bureau of Land Management","OR","Oregon","BLM-ORWA","transportation","Roads","Back Country Byways","Recreation","Scenic Roads","Facility","Geospatial"]
culture: en-US
name: BLM_OR_GTRN_Back_Country_Byways
guid: C0522053-A838-4C7A-8AC3-747D5819991C
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere