Description: ACQ_DSP_POLY: This dataset is used for depicting Acquisitions and Disposals on maps. The history of acquisition and disposals within a BLM administrative unit or special management area is often of interest. The dataset includes both existing and proposed acquisitions and disposals. Acquisitions and disposals are intersected with natural resources and special management areas to determine impact and/or feasibility of the proposed action. This dataset is not complete for all Acquisitions and Disposals on BLM lands and, in addition, only basic information about the acquisition or disposal is provided. Details of the complete rights and restrictions history are found in the following authoritative sources: case file records, Master Title Plats (MTPs), and the Legacy Rehost 2000 (LR2000) database. The case file record is the primary source, with MTPs and LR2000 as secondary sources. Moreover, this dataset will never be complete. Over time, more and more approved ACQ_DSP features will be added to the dataset, but it will never contain the complete record (found in the case files).