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Service Description: The BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System Map Service contains information on watershed restoration projects to track on-the-ground efforts to restore aquatic habitat and water quality conditions within Oregon and Washington. For a complete description of the data, consult the Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) Spatial Data Standard at This map service does not have scale dependencies. The WETS_COST table tracks BLM contributions and partner contributions. It is related to the layers in this map service by the ACT_ID field.
Map Name: BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System
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Description: The BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System Map Service contains information on watershed restoration projects to track on-the-ground efforts to restore aquatic habitat and water quality conditions within Oregon and Washington. WETS is intended for the support of land-use planning, watershed analysis, project planning as well as the subsurface and resource management process for BLM managed lands. For a complete description of the data, consult the Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) Spatial Data Standard at
The BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) map service is created from wets_pub.gdb\wets_carto_pub_point, wets_pub_point, wets_pub_arc, and wets_pub_poly. This map service does not have scale dependencies. The WETS_COST table tracks BLM contributions and partner contributions. It is related to the layers in this map service by the ACT_ID field.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.4481314586827373E7
YMin: 4430156.499583158
XMax: -1.2382751146790003E7
YMax: 6515705.592705567
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.3858760284038067E7
YMin: 5160930.371284887
XMax: -1.3005305449579308E7
YMax: 5991457.360583315
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System
Comments: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>The BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System Map Service contains information on watershed restoration projects to track on-the-ground efforts to restore aquatic habitat and water quality conditions within Oregon and Washington. WETS is intended for the support of land-use planning, watershed analysis, project planning as well as the subsurface and resource management process for BLM managed lands. For a complete description of the data, consult the Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) Spatial Data Standard at </SPAN><A href="" STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN></SPAN></A><SPAN>. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>The BLM OR Watershed Enhancement Tracking System (WETS) map service is created from wets_pub.gdb\wets_carto_pub_point, wets_pub_point, wets_pub_arc, and wets_pub_poly. This map service does not have scale dependencies. The WETS_COST table tracks BLM contributions and partner contributions. It is related to the layers in this map service by the ACT_ID field.</SPAN></P></DIV>
Subject: Bureau of Land Management’s watershed restoration projects within Oregon and Washington.
Keywords: BLM,Bureau of Land Management,OR,WA,Oregon,Washington,BLM-ORWA,WETS,Watershed
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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