Description: FIRE_POINT: This dataset represents points of origins of BLM fires that occur naturally (e.g., lightning) or by humans accidentally (e.g., escaped campfire) or maliciously across Oregon and Washington. The dataset includes some, but not all, historic fires (fires declared ‘out’ in calendar years prior to the current year). There is no lower size limit for fires to be included. In addition, many non-BLM Federal and State agencies fire origins are present.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Office
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CAUSE_CAT, length: 10
, Coded Values:
[Human: Human - Fire was caused by humans]
, [Natural: Natural - Fire was naturally caused (e.g., lightning)]
, [Unknown: Unknown - Cause of the fire is not known]
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: COORD_SRC, length: 7
, Coded Values:
[CADNSDI: CADNSDI - Coordinates from or snapped to the CADNSDI dataset]
, [CFF: CFF - Lines duplicated or buffered from Cartographic Feature Files (USFS)]
, [DEM: DEM - Digital Elevation Model (30 m or better accuracy) used for creation of contours]
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