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snippet: Stewardship Habitat Management Areas (SHMA) in the Wyoming proposed management areas as designated by the nationwide Greater Sage-grouse Conservation effort undertaken by the BLM. SHMA includes all State of Wyoming-designated Sage-grouse Stewardship Areas. SHMAs are GRSG habitats that are generally characterized by large percentages of private land, existing disturbance and prior and existing rights, and fragmented landscapes but that continue to support substantial populations of GRSG, provide important connections between populations, and are important for maintaining GRSG populations. This data is intended for use in the 2023-24 Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Amendments and replaces all previous versions of this data for purposes of this planning effort.
summary: Stewardship Habitat Management Areas (SHMA) in the Wyoming proposed management areas as designated by the nationwide Greater Sage-grouse Conservation effort undertaken by the BLM. SHMA includes all State of Wyoming-designated Sage-grouse Stewardship Areas. SHMAs are GRSG habitats that are generally characterized by large percentages of private land, existing disturbance and prior and existing rights, and fragmented landscapes but that continue to support substantial populations of GRSG, provide important connections between populations, and are important for maintaining GRSG populations. This data is intended for use in the 2023-24 Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Amendments and replaces all previous versions of this data for purposes of this planning effort.
accessInformation: BLM Wyoming State Office
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: This feature class contains polygons for Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG) Stewardship Habitat Management Areas (SHMAs) in the proposed management area in Wyoming. This data was compiled and analyzed as part of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) GRSG range-wide planning effort to prepare Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) amendments with an associated environmental impact statement (EIS) for the State of Wyoming. Data was created, modified, and analyzed to assist with the resource management decision-making for a reasonable range of management alternatives for the public lands and resources administered by the BLM in Wyoming’s 10 BLM Field Offices: Buffalo, Casper, Cody, Kemmerer, Lander, Newcastle, Pinedale, Rawlins, Rock Springs, and Worland. The purpose of the 2023-24 BLM RMPA is to amend a sub-set of the GRSG management actions to ensure management actions on BLM-administered lands support GRSG conservation goals, respond to changing land uses in GRSG habitats, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of GRSG management actions, provide for consistent conservation outcomes in GRSG habitat, and provide the BLM with locally relevant decisions that accord with range-wide GRSG conservation goals. The purpose of this amendment is focused on the following cross-cutting management actions/topics that are applicable throughout the planning area: GRSG RMP goal; GRSG habitat management area alignments and the major land use allocations therein, including criteria-based management for non-habitat within the habitat management areas; Mitigation; GRSG habitat objectives; Disturbance cap; Fluid mineral development and leasing objective; Fluid mineral leasing waivers, exceptions, and modifications; Renewable energy development and associated transmission; Minimizing threats from predation; Livestock grazing; Wild horse and burro management; Areas of Critical Environmental Concern; and Adaptive Management. Since these issues/topics conditions affecting GRSG are range-wide in nature, this RMPA/EIS focuses on issues that affect GRSG management across multiple states. However, some issues/topics do not occur throughout the planning area but are related to circumstances specific to one state. As such, the purpose of this planning effort includes amending specific RMP management actions associated with these state-specific circumstances to improve the conservation efforts for GRSG habitat. Changes in RMP decisions are needed to: address the continued GRSG habitat losses that are contributing to declines in GRSG populations; ensure habitat management areas and associated management incorporate recent relevant science to prioritize management where it will provide conservation benefit (including providing for durable planning decisions when considering the effects of climate change); provide continuity in managing GRSG habitats based on biological information versus political boundaries, where appropriate, while allowing for management flexibility to address state- and local-circumstances; and refine planning decisions where litigation and implementation have indicated a lack of clarity. Original source description: The SHMA designation is being applied to an area in northeastern Wyoming where private landowners worked with the State of Wyoming to identify spatially and establish management objectives; the BLM adopted this data as provided by the State of Wyoming.
licenseInfo: These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 'as is' and might contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. The information contained in these data is dynamic and may change over time. The data are not better than the sources from which they were derived, and both scale and accuracy may vary across the data set. These data might not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data. These data are neither legal documents nor land surveys, and must not be used as such. Official records may be referenced at most BLM offices. Please report any errors in the data to the BLM office from which it was obtained. The BLM should be cited as the data source in any products derived from these data. Any Users wishing to modify the data should describe the types of modifications they have performed. The User should not misrepresent the data, nor imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by BLM. This data may be updated by the BLM without notification.
tags: ["Authorization","boundaries","Geospatial","Management","planningCadastre","Wildlife","Wyoming"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000