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GRSG_FEIS/BLM_WY_GRSGFEIS_Solar_Exclusion (MapServer)

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Service Description:

This feature class contains polygons for public lands identified as exclusion areas for solar energy development in the proposed management area.

This dataset represents Surface Management Agency status in Wyoming. This dataset is intended to represent the ownership & management information on Master Title Plats (MTPs). Surface management will be identified by the Agency of Jurisdiction when the surface is Federal. All other parcels will be identified as either Private or State. Private parcels do not identify the name of the individual owner. The geometry of this dataset was constructed from the current version of the Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) standardized PLSS for Wyoming. This dataset adheres to the BLM National Surface Management Agency data standard published in 2013.Please be advised that surface ownership and surface management are not always synonymous. In some cases, one agency may be responsible for surface management but not own that surface parcel (e.g., lands owned by the Bureau of Reclamation within a state park are managed by Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails, not by the Bureau of Reclamation). Please also note that state managed lands are now under 3 categories; "State" applies to those lands managed by the Wyoming Office of State Lands & Investments. The other two categories are "State (Wyoming Game & Fish)" and "State (State Parks & Hist Sites)" managed by the Wyoming Game & Fish Dept and Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, and Trails, respectively.

Map Name: BLM_WY_GRSGFEIS_Solar_Exclusion


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Layers: Description:

This feature class contains polygons for public lands identified as exclusion areas for solar energy development in the proposed management area.

This dataset represents Surface Management Agency status in Wyoming. This dataset is intended to represent the ownership & management information on Master Title Plats (MTPs). Surface management will be identified by the Agency of Jurisdiction when the surface is Federal. All other parcels will be identified as either Private or State. Private parcels do not identify the name of the individual owner. The geometry of this dataset was constructed from the current version of the Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) standardized PLSS for Wyoming. This dataset adheres to the BLM National Surface Management Agency data standard published in 2013.Please be advised that surface ownership and surface management are not always synonymous. In some cases, one agency may be responsible for surface management but not own that surface parcel (e.g., lands owned by the Bureau of Reclamation within a state park are managed by Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails, not by the Bureau of Reclamation). Please also note that state managed lands are now under 3 categories; "State" applies to those lands managed by the Wyoming Office of State Lands & Investments. The other two categories are "State (Wyoming Game & Fish)" and "State (State Parks & Hist Sites)" managed by the Wyoming Game & Fish Dept and Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites, and Trails, respectively.

Copyright Text: BLM WY State Office

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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