Name: BLM Lands Inventoried for Wilderness Characteristics
Display Field:
Type: Group Layer
Geometry Type: null
Description: This theme depicts BLM Lands with qualifying Wilderness characteristics. Those lands depicted as having No Wilderness Characteristics do not meet criteria in any of the categories: Recreation, Solitude, and Natural. Lands depicted as Contains Wilderness Characteristics meet the criteria of at least one category with the remaining categories being unevaluated.
Lands not meeting the size criteria are shown separately.
Description: WLD_CHAR_ROAD_ARC: Lines defining the wilderness characteristics roads and trails. Centerlines of road and trail segments that are associated with Wilderness Characteristic units. Areas of BLM land are evaluated for wilderness characteristics based on size, naturalness and outstanding opportunities for solitude and primitive and unconfined recreation criteria. The theme represents an inventory of wilderness characteristics found, or not found, on BLM lands. This data is subject to change without notification. For complete and current documentation of this data please see the 'Wilderness Characteristics' data standard located here All physical or structural changes of the data are documented in this metadata record under Data Quality/Lineage/Process Step.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Office
Description: WLD_CHAR_ARC: This theme represents the results of an inventory of wilderness characteristics found, or not found, on BLM lands in Oregon and Washington. This data set shows the lines for polygons for areas found to possess wilderness characteristics, plus boundary lines for those areas that were intensively inventoried and found to not meet minimum wilderness criteria. All BLM lands outside of designated Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas are periodically evaluated for wilderness characteristics based on meeting minimum criteria for size, naturalness and outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive and unconfined recreation. Where such inventories have been updated, those BLM lands not depicted by polygon lines were deemed to clearly lack wilderness characteristics in an initial scan of size and roadlessness to determine areas warranting more intensive inventory.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DEF_FEATURE, length: 25
, Coded Values:
[ADMIN_REC_SITE: ADMIN_REC_SITE - Administrative or Recreation facility or site boundary]
, [BLM_ADMIN: BLM_ADMIN - Bureau of Land Management administrative boundary]
, [CLOSURE: CLOSURE - Closure extension. Used to close small gaps.]
, ...36 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: COORD_SRC, length: 7
, Coded Values:
[CADNSDI: CADNSDI - Coordinates from or snapped to the CADNSDI dataset]
, [CFF: CFF - Lines duplicated or buffered from Cartographic Feature Files (USFS)]
, [DEM: DEM - Digital Elevation Model (30 m or better accuracy) used for creation of contours]
, ...18 more...
Description: WLD_CHAR_POLY: This theme represents the results of an inventory of wilderness characteristics found, or not found, on BLM lands in Oregon and Washington. This data set shows the polygons for areas found to possess wilderness characteristics, plus polygons for those areas that were intensively inventoried and found to not meet minimum wilderness criteria. All BLM lands outside of designated Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas are periodically evaluated for wilderness characteristics based on meeting minimum criteria for size, naturalness and outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive and unconfined recreation. Where such inventories have been updated, those BLM lands not depicted by polygons were deemed to clearly lack wilderness characteristics in an initial scan of size and roadlessness to determine areas warranting more intensive inventory.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Office
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SIZE_EVAL, length: 1
, Coded Values:
[Y: Inventory unit meets criteria]
, [N: Inventory unit does not meet criteria]
, [X: Unit was not evaluated because it was not applicable]
, ...1 more...
Name: Wilderness Characteristics - Does not meet size criteria
Display Field: UNIT_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: WLD_CHAR_POLY: This theme represents the results of an inventory of wilderness characteristics found, or not found, on BLM lands in Oregon and Washington. This data set shows the polygons for areas found to possess wilderness characteristics, plus polygons for those areas that were intensively inventoried and found to not meet minimum wilderness criteria. All BLM lands outside of designated Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas are periodically evaluated for wilderness characteristics based on meeting minimum criteria for size, naturalness and outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive and unconfined recreation. Where such inventories have been updated, those BLM lands not depicted by polygons were deemed to clearly lack wilderness characteristics in an initial scan of size and roadlessness to determine areas warranting more intensive inventory.
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Office
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SIZE_EVAL, length: 1
, Coded Values:
[Y: Inventory unit meets criteria]
, [N: Inventory unit does not meet criteria]
, [X: Unit was not evaluated because it was not applicable]
, ...1 more...